A gift in your will

Leaving a legacy for heritage crafts

A gift in your Will helps ensure that the next generation of makers have access to the craft skills that have developed up over many generations, many of which are in danger of being lost forever.

After you have provided for your loved ones, please do consider how leaving a gift to Heritage Crafts might help us fulfil our vision of a society in which heritage craft skills are acknowledged as being of vital importance, and are nurtured and celebrated accordingly.

We were founded in 2010 and have been growing steadily ever since, but there is always so much more that we wish to do and applying for funding from Trusts and Foundations is becoming more competitive. Your legacy could play an important part in the future we want to create.


How to leave a gift in your Will

Using a solicitor to make or update your Will ensures that your wishes are carried out after you’re gone. You may have a solicitor already, or you can ask family or friends for a recommendation. You may wish to use one of the many online Will writing services that can assist you. The Law Society also has a Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme to help you find a solicitor specialising in Will writing.

If you would like to leave a gift to Heritage Crafts there are two main types of gifts:

  • A residuary gift – is made from whatever is left over after all other gifts of money or specific items have been made. You can leave a share or percentage of the residue to Heritage Crafts. The great thing about a residuary gift is that you don’t need to worry about whether your estate will be able to afford it. This is because if your assets decrease a lot in your lifetime, a the value of teh gift will also decrease in proportion. A residuary gift allows for your loved ones to be look after first, and then a percentage of what remains can be left to charity.
  • A pecuniary gift – is a fixed sum of money. It’s worth remembering that its value can be eroded by inflation over time

Our suggested wording if you would like to include a residuary gift to Heritage Crafts in your Will:

“I give to the Heritage Crafts Association (Registered Charity Number 1159208) of 81 North Street, Wellington, Somerset TA21 8NA the whole /  [insert share as a %] share of my residuary estate absolutely to be used for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Heritage Crafts Association’s Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge of my executor[’s][s’] duty.”

… or a pecuniary gift:

“I give to the Heritage Crafts Association (Registered Charity Number 1159208) of 81 North Street, Wellington, Somerset TA21 8NA the sum of £……………….. [insert amount in figures] absolutely to be used for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Heritage Crafts Association’s Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge of my executor[’s][s’] duty.”

Did you know that charitable gifts in your Will are free of UK inheritance tax? Moreover, such gifts are deducted before inheritance tax is calculated, so can help bring down the amount of inheritance tax payable on the rest of your estate? Your solicitor, financial adviser or accountant can help you with inheritance tax planning.

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If you are a weaver aged 25 and under who has done something to be proud of in the last 12 months, please consider applying for this year’s Young Weaver of the Year Award, a partnership between Heritage Crafts and @roseuniacke. Or if you know another young person who might deserve the award, why not nominate them?

There is a £1,000 prize for the winning entry to be presented at a high-profile Winners’ Reception in November.

To apply, complete the nomination form via the linktr.ee in our bio before the deadline of 5pm on Friday 6 September 2024.

📷 2023 winner @larapaintextiles
If you are a building craftsperson or conservator aged 25 and under who has done something to be proud of in the last 12 months, please consider applying for the inaugural Young Building Craftsperson of the Year Award, a partnership between Heritage Crafts and @englishheritage. 

Examples of eligible crafts include, but are not limited to, timber framing, stonemasonry, gauged brickwork, heritage tiling and many others. 

Or if you know another young person who might deserve the award, why not nominate them? There is a £1,000 prize for the winning entry to be presented at a high-profile Winners’ Reception in November.

To apply, complete the nomination form via the linktr.ee in our bio before the deadline of 5pm on Friday 6 September 2024.

📷 2023 training bursary recipient @llechen_lan
If you are an upholsterer aged 25 and under who has done something to be proud of in the last 12 months, please consider applying for this year’s Young Upholsterer of the Year Award, a partnership between Heritage Crafts and @sonnaz_. Or if you know another young person who might deserve the award, why not nominate them?

There is a £1,000 prize for the winning entry to be presented at a high-profile Winners’ Reception in November.

To apply, complete the nomination form via the linktr.ee in our bio before the deadline of 5pm on Friday 6 September 2024.
If you are a traditional woodworker aged 25 and under who has done something to be proud of in the last 12 months, please consider applying for this year’s Young Woodworker of the Year Award, a partnership between Heritage Crafts and @axminstertools. Or if you know another young person who might deserve the award, why not nominate them?

There is a £1,000 prize for the winning entry to be presented at a high-profile Winners’ Reception in November. Plus, we will also award an @axminstertools Woodworker of the Year Award, chosen from nominees of any age, with a prize of £2,000.

To apply, complete the nomination form via the linktr.ee in our bio before the deadline of 5pm on Friday 6 September 2024.

📷 2023 winner Harry Morris @htmorrisfurniture