Gifted Crafts Co

Pewter Casting - I use drop cast and I cast in wood, cuttle fish and silicon moulds. Exploring traditional techniques with a contemporary style. Originally driven by teaching young people to embrace this craft, now a personal journey and a drive to share it far and wide. Enameling – I work on copper and silver from powders and recycled glass. I was taught by a dear friend who's precision was beautiful and who's love of teaching infectious, it rubbed off Bookbinding – I use traditional techniques & contemporary styles with established & reclaimed materials, it all started on my degree and I've been in love with it since Crochet - Everyone could crochet, perhaps everyone should, I've been crocheting for over 7/8 of my life and I’m discovering and developing stitches and techniques all the time Knit - Such rhythm, such richness, such a wholesome craft, I knitted for 20 years before even learning to read a pattern. Now I blend, break the rules and continue to find my own way.  

Open to the public
Yes, by appointment only
Provides courses or training
Available for craft fairs
Available for educational events only


The Old School Campsite Shelve
Rachel Ellen
t: 01588650351
m: 07590841615


I work in a wide variety of materials due to a background in secondary teaching which massively broadened my materials and processes experience and knowledge. My true passions are for traditional crafts and I strive to share them as widely as possible so that future generation can experience the joy and beauty that they provide. I can’t choose just one craft, I am dedicated to constantly expanding my skills in all my crafts so that I can pass them on to others to learn and enjoy. The list includes Pewter Casting, Enameling, Bookbinding, Crochet and Knit.

Mini craft gallery

Knitted Cosy
Crochet Throw
Hardbound Book with Reclaimed Materials
Enamel Treasure Charm
Seashore Enamel Pin
Pewter Cast Rings
Domed Enamel Pin
Cuttlefish Cast Pewter Pendant
Pewter Cast Bangles
Decorative Stitch Book
Leather Bound Book – A blend of traditional techniques and contemporary styles