Carey Fleiner
* History of textiles, especially woolwork in the Roman period (I am a Senior Lecturer in Roman History at the University of Winchester) * Cotton spinning on the charka *Handspinning with handspindles, especially French and medieval-style *Ancient textile craft including work with nettles, sprang, nalbinding * Long-draw wool spinning

PO14 4RN
I learnt embroider, knit, and crochet whilst still in single digits, and I has been spinning and weaving for about 30 years.
I have experience with and am available to demonstrate (in character or modern day) spinning, weaving, and other textiles at heritage sites and museum from Roman through to WWII
I have exhibited award-winning work in many fibre shows mainly in the United States including the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.
As an historian of Classical history (University of Winchester) I am keen on the history of spinning and weaving, especially in Classical Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, and have given public talks on sheep, wool production, and wool in Classical culture and society.
Craftswork focuses on long-draw wool spinning, cotton spinning, Nalbinding, Working with exotic fibres, hand-spinning, hand-spinning with a distaff, sprang.
I have taught and offer workshops on hand-spinning with a spindle; spinning flax with a distaff; nalbinding; sprang.
I have given public talks to Weaving & Spinning Guilds, Historical Associations, and other groups on subjects such as Roman Women, Sheep and Wool; Fairytales, Spinning, and Weaving; bespoke topics.