Tracey Sheppard – glass engraver

6th February 2022  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Winner of the 2021 Heritage Crafts / Marsh Maker of the Year Award

Tracey Sheppard The Heritage Crafts / Marsh Maker of the Year award was won by Tracey Sheppard, glass engraver.

Tracey took up glass engraving at evening classes in the 1980s and soon reached the pinnacle of her craft, receiving commissions from Historic Royal Palaces to present to Her Majesty the Queen, and to be part of the Downing Street Collection of engraved glass. She has worked tirelessly on behalf of the Guild of Glass Engravers and is now their President, alongside being Master of the Art Workers Guild.

Photo: Nick Carter, Marsh Charitable Trust, presenting the award to Tracey Sheppard, Heritage Crafts / Marsh Maker of the Year winner 2021