Harry Morris – furniture maker

27th December 2023  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Harry Morris – furniture maker

Winner of the 2023 Heritage Crafts / Axminster Tools Young Woodworker of the Year Award

Harry Morris The Young Woodworker of the Year Award sponsored by Axminster Tools was won by Harry Morris, who starting woodworking at the age of 13 in his dad’s garage, carving spoons and watching instructional videos on YouTube.

He dedicates much of his energy to teaching, believing that communicating in a positive and encouraging way can have a big impact on an individual, and in their craft journey, and has been overwhelmed with feedback from his students.

Photo: David Clarke (Heritage Crafts Co-Chair), Harry Morris (Heritage Crafts / Young Woodworker of the Year Award winner 2023), and Jay Blades MBE (Heritage Crafts Co-Chair). Photo by Stefan Jakubowski.