Greg Rowland – wheelwright

6th February 2022  |  ALUMNI | AWARD WINNERS

Winner of the 2021 Heritage Crafts / Marsh Trainer Award

Greg Rowland The Heritage Crafts / Marsh Trainer of the Year award was won by Greg Rowland, wheelwright.

Greg runs a wheelwrighting workshop in Devon with his father and fellow master-wheelwright Mike. He was nominated by his current trainee Sam Phillips who is being trained through the Livery Companies Apprenticeship Scheme as well as a Bench Joinery apprenticeship with Exeter College. As well as training apprentices of his own, Greg was also instrumental in the development of the apprenticeship standard in collaboration with the Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights.

Photo: Nick Carter, Marsh Charitable Trust, presenting the award to Greg Rowland, Heritage Crafts / Marsh Trainer of the Year winner 2021