Donate to the Endangered Crafts Fund

Heritage Crafts’ Endangered Crafts Fund has been set up to ensure that our most at-risk heritage crafts within the UK are given the tools and support they need to thrive (if you are interested in applying to the fund, please click here).

The publication of the Red List of Endangered Crafts in May 2017 showed that the heritage crafts knowledge, skills and practices that form an important part of our shared cultural heritage, are – for a number of reasons – at risk of being lost.

We believe that these cultural assets are as important as unique heritage buildings and ancient beautiful landscapes and could provide future generations with fantastic opportunities to enrich their lives and the lives of others. So as well as lobbying policymakers to help reduce the barriers current and potential craftspeople are facing, we have set up this fund to help make a crucial difference to crafts currently on the brink.

Here are some ideas where your donation could make a real difference, but smaller amounts, and larger, will all go towards supporting our rich craft heritage:*

  • £25 – materials for demonstrations and workshops to disseminate skills
  • £100 – a half day’s mentoring in business development
  • £250 – a day’s training in social media and online marketing
  • £500 – tools for an endangered heritage crafts trainee or practitioner
  • £1,000 – the creation of a short course or educational online resource to safeguard endangered skills

Your donation could make a real difference, with both smaller and larger amounts ensuring that craft skills are supported for the future. The Heritage Crafts Association will publicise instances of where your donations are spent and the difference they have made to the survival of endangered craft skills.

Donate today via our secure button below. Alternatively, you can send a cheque made payable to ‘Heritage Crafts Association’ with an accompanying note specifying ‘Endangered Crafts Fund’ to:
Heritage Crafts, 27 South Road, Oundle, Peterborough PE8 4BU.

We also have a general donations scheme, a Benefactor Scheme for those wishing to offer additional support, as well as a Corporate Sponsorship Scheme for businesses who wish to support us.

*Please note that these are examples only and the Heritage Craft Association will allocate the fund according to need and established criteria to the safeguarding of endangered crafts.